Bloganuary 31st: vulnerability and facing fears

What’s the thing you’re most scared to do? What would it take to get you to do it?

To answer this prompt I have to open up a bit and make myself vulnerable. There are two things that come to mind for what I’m most scared to do.

I happened to be awake just after midnight and got a sneak peek at today’s prompt, so I took a moment to think about it as I fell asleep. The first thing that came to mind was how scared I would be to quit my job, and the different reasons for doing such a thing in the first place.

The idea of quitting my job has been in the back of my mind for a long time because it’s primarily tied to the idea of trying to write full time for a living. Having a job working for a large organization means stability and security. Getting a steady paycheck, benefits, and insurance makes life easier. Going down the route of writing full time more or less means being self-employed and income would fluctuate based on sales and contracts, while benefits and insurance would be 100% self-funded. I know it’s doable, I just don’t have the foundation to make that kind of leap to begin with, but the idea still scares the hell out of me. If I wanted to be able to do it at all I would need to have some substantial savings in place and hopefully land a contract with a publisher that provides me some measure of reliability.

The other thing that scares me to do is meet people, and I don’t mean just casually through work or something.

Meeting people with the intent of building a relationship, either platonic or romantic, scares me because it means investing time. Time you don’t get back that could have been used meeting other people should things otherwise go south. It also means opening up to put yourself out there at the risk of being hurt and disappointed. Romantically I’ve been burned a few times, and found that I’m just fine on my own. Platonically I’ve been betrayed or learned something about a person that I didn’t vibe with at all and needed to check out. It’s hard to find people that you can truly connect with and not find something that is a huge red flag. I don’t want to waste that kind of time and effort. I keep my social group small because of this. We’ve built up that trust and respect, setting the appropriate boundaries needed for each of us to be transparently ourselves. Nobody is 100% transparent in public, and for me to want to be comfortable with meeting people, to build those new relationships, means needing a space I can feel comfortable in for openly sharing who I am while trusting that others are doing the same with clear intentions. You would think places like that exist, but that’s entirely dependent on the people at those places regardless of the people running it.

I’m just going to keep on rambling if I go further, so I’ll leave things there.

Bloganuary 30th: Add another to the complaint box

Bloganuary writing prompt
What do you complain about the most?

This information might be out of date since I last worked at a fast food burger chain about 16 years ago, but one of things I learned (when getting ServSafe Certified and taking corporate training exams) was the disparity between bad service and good service. When a customer has a bad experience somewhere they typically share that experience with seven or more family/friends/acquaintances as opposed to a person who had an exceptionally good experience sharing with an average of just three people. Not even just a regular good experience where you get exactly the kind of service you expect, but the kind of service that went above and beyond expectations! Again, these numbers might not be completely accurate anymore, but the point stands. Bad experiences yield more complaints.

So with that in mind I’d like to take a moment to say that I generally don’t complain, and I don’t go out of my way to complain about poor service unless it was REALLY BAD. The reason for this is because I’ve been in that situation. Sometimes the stars just line up for a cosmically shitty day of work. I can take a step back and think about the little details that add up to cause that experience. This is something a lot of people don’t seem to do, and that extends beyond the customer service experience to the thing I really wanted to address in today’s post. Critical thinking.

The thing I seem to complain about most is the lack of critical thinking that seems to happen more and more these days. People making snap judgements and instantly being harsh. People who fall for misinformation and help spread it further. Like those stupid memes of math problems that lead to people fighting over the answer because some of them forgot how to utilize order of operations. In those moments, when something seems off and people are bickering back and forth over what is right, that is the time to step back and apply a little more critical thinking. Why are we fighting over a silly and irrelevant math problem on social media? How are some people arriving at a different answer? Which all leads into the next thing that I complain about most.

People lack the ability to stuff their ego and pride and admit when they are wrong. Seriously, when faced with overwhelming proof and easily verifiable/testable logic, why double down on being wrong? I don’t want to dig into that too much, because I don’t want to try and research the psychology behind people refusing to admit their wrongness.

I also don’t want to keep ranting about this because it will just irritate me for the rest of the day.

Bloganuary 29th: Watching vs Playing Sports

What are your favorite sports to watch and play?

It should come as no shock to anyone that, given my hobbies, I do not play a lot of sports. However, I DO play some sports. I don’t invest heavily in them, but I enjoy them well enough as is. I also do not go out of my way to watch any particular sports, even if I do like to play them.

First off, sports I enjoy playing are bowling and golfing.

Bowling started around age 10 when a friend of mine invited me to join his youth bowling team. His mom talked with my mom, they got things squared away, and I played two seasons. Of course, my younger brother needed to join us as well, and it was fortunate that my friend has a younger sister about the same age, so they were on a team in their age bracket. Unfortunately, life took some odd turns, so we only played those two seasons, and then we stopped. I did still enjoy bowling in high school and beyond, though, and it was an odd stroke of luck that when my family moved to South Dakota we found a couple of the small farm towns in the area had their own bowling alleys. So I got to play, sometimes even for free because I had friends who worked part time there.

I didn’t pick up golfing until high school. My Dad gave me a set of used clubs and I happened to have a friend who liked golfing, so I was able to go with him a couple times. Of course, again, it wasn’t for long because we moved to South Dakota shortly thereafter, and in another odd stroke of luck the small farm town where I finished high school has a golf course. Sadly I didn’t make any friends that golfed, so all I did was hit the driving range a few times now and again. Then I took like a ten year hiatus because I moved around a bit during college. Now, my oldest nephew is getting into golf, and I’ve gotten to go with him and my sister’s a few times!

Outside of actually playing those sports, I don’t watch them in any way. I occasionally watch soccer and football with friends and family, but I won’t go out of my way to do so. Same as with any other sport. It’s just not my thing.

Bloganuary 28th: The Lottery Plan

What would you do if you won the lottery?

Winning the lottery would be life changing. Who wouldn’t want to win a massive amount of money? The things you could do…

Well, over the last 15 years or so I’ve talked at length with a few select friends and a couple of family members about such a wildly improbable scenario. I’ve done my research, and even read the news articles about past winners, to help devise a very serious plan.

The first step would be to not tell anyone. At all. Nobody can know if I had won the lottery and won hundreds of millions of dollars.

The second step would be to sign the back of the ticket, ensuring nobody else can claim it over my dead body.

The third and fourth steps are crucial. I would store the ticket somewhere safe, and then get in contact with lawyers that specialize in large estates. Preferably from a reputable law firm with offices all over the country.

Then the real planning could begin.

Evaluating my current life situation, from debts to threats and all things in-between.

Paying off debts is a no-brainer. Don’t want to leave yourself open and give anyone a way to collect more than they’re owed. Figuring out the necessary safety and security measures for myself and loved ones is incredibly important as well.

I’m sure some of you have seen the memes.

“If I won the lottery, I wouldn’t say anything, but there would be signs.”

I’d try to minimize those signs, for safety.

I would obviously do a few things to elevate my situation, such as buying a house and some toys. Then, with the help of the lawyers and accountants, set up for the future. Regular disbursement of funds for bills, investing, charity, etc.

That’s the gist of it!

Bloganuary 27th: The dreaded reading backlog

Bloganuary writing prompt
What books do you want to read?

So many books to read, so little time! I have a decent list of books to read that I’ve picked up in the last couple of years, and I actually put that list into a personal OneNote so I could track purchases. Below is the list of most recent books that I’ve purchased and added to my backlog. There are 33 books in the list, and I’ve grouped some based on series. Are any of them on your list?

  • Mistborn Era 1
    • The Final Empire (Read)
    • The Well of Ascension
    • The Hero of Ages
  • Mistborn Era 2
    • The Alloy of Law
    • Shadows of Self
    • The Bands of Mourning
    • The Lost Metal
  • Elantris
  • Warbreaker
  • The Stormlight Archive
    • The Way of Kings
    • Words of Radiance
    • Oathbringer
    • Rhythm of War
    • Wind and Truth
  • Brandon Sanderson Secret Projects
    • Tress of the Emerald Sea
    • The Frugal Wizard’s Handbook for Surviving Medieval England
    • Yumi and the Nightmare Painter
    • The Sunlit Man
  • J.W. Wells & Co.
    • The Portable Door
    • In Your Dreams
    • Earth, Air, Fire, and Custard
    • You Don’t Have to Be Evil to Work Here, But It Helps
    • The Better Mousetrap
    • May Contain Traces of Magic
    • Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Sausages
    • The Eight Reindeer of the Apocalypse
  • Defenders of Lore
    • God of Neverland
    • Queens of Wonderland
  • The Flanders Panel
  • Death by Cliché
  • Obsidian
  • The Beholden
  • Starter Villain (Reading)

Bloganuary 26th: Family traditions, new and old

Write about a few of your favorite family traditions.

The parents get older, the kids become adults and go off to start their own lives. Parents and other older adults pass away. The younger adults start families, have kids of their own, and the cycle repeats itself. And within that cycle are traditions that get handed down through the generations.

That’s how it is supposed to work, anyways. My family has had traditions change because of all the things mentioned above.

We still get together for most holidays, except the family has grown and we celebrate at my brother’s house instead of at our parents. Thanksgiving is still turkey and sides, Christmas is a little different every year but we have a couple of different meal plans that we juggle depending on what everyone is feeling.

After the passing of my stepmom a couple of years ago we started a new tradition of getting together on Sunday’s for lunch or dinner, depending on the time of year and weather. Winter is hit and miss because of travel conditions.

Nothing special or exciting, we just want to spend time together.

Bloganuary 25th: my leisure time

What do you enjoy doing most in your leisure time?

I’ll probably have to rank my activities/hobbies of choice for this prompt because although I currently have one in particular that dominates the top of the list, I have others that would take its place under different circumstances.

First and foremost is video games. I spend a lot of time playing a variety of games both with and without my family and friends. Puzzle and Room Escape games by myself help me stretch my brain a bit, and Survival Crafting games with friends to learn, problem solve, and manage things while exploring strange new environments. These days the family games are typically Fortnite, but occasionally we dabble in other games as we find common interests in the many different genres.

After that, if I had the time and capacity to, I would play Magic: The Gathering with friends for more than just a few hours every couple of weeks or so. If we could play a couple of times a week then I would definitely be playing video games less. Also, since I’ve recently managed to get my two brothers and a nephew into Magic, I’d hopefully play with them more frequently as well. Especially considering my nephew is still very new to the game and there is so much to learn.

I would most likely then spend a lot of time reading if I didn’t feel so drawn to spending time with friends near and far for the above activities. Sadly, my back log of books keeps growing. I’ll probably have to commit to reading through a few soon just so I can keep adding to it and not feel too guilty.

I’ll stop at the top three there for how I would prefer to spend my leisure time, otherwise I could just keep going on and on.

Bloganuary 24th: Fun close to home

Bloganuary writing prompt
Name an attraction or town close to home that you still haven’t got around to visiting.

I’ve now lived in South Dakota for about 19 years, and there are still so many things I haven’t done. Maybe it’s because of my lifestyle or just lack of interest in general, I’m not entirely sure, but there are some that I really should go do and visit.

If you’re familiar with South Dakota, then you probably know that it is the Mount Rushmore State. I still haven’t visited Mount Rushmore. I’ve been nearby in that part of the state but was either working or passing through, and it isn’t an “attraction” that is top of my list. I’ll also include in the list some non-South Dakota places that are popular around my area.

Among the list of attractions or towns that I have NOT visited:

  • The Black Hills
  • Wall Drug
  • Des Moines, Iowa
  • Le Mars, Iowa (The Ice Cream Capital of the World – home to Blue Bunny Ice Cream)
  • Valleyfair (amusement park just outside Minneapolis, Minnesota)

If I wanted to get REALLY specific, I could do some that are actually close to home, but I’d rather not. If I didn’t visit them, they weren’t that popular to me or my lifestyle so they aren’t worth remembering or mentioning, but I’m sure there are more that people would get mad at me for not including. Oh well, such is life!

Bloganuary 23rd: Doing things for fun

Bloganuary writing prompt
List five things you do for fun.

Personally, everyone should have a hobby, and preferably a creative one if possible.

Unfortunately, while I do have a handful of things I do on a regular basis for fun, I also have a penchant for dabbling in new things. Maybe it’s just because I’m looking for something else to add to my skill sets or list of substitute hobbies.

Anyways, the five things I like to do for fun.

On the creative side of things I like to paint miniatures for tabletop games, although I’m slowly running out of mini’s because I’ve forbidden myself from buying more games that we haven’t played. So I’m also working on 3D printing things to paint. I also enjoy putting together those 3D wooden objects, like the ones made and sold by UGEARS. They’re kind of like adult LEGO’s at this point, except permanent and not transformable.

On the non-creative side, I like to read and play video games for fun, especially sci-fi and fantasy stuff. I would separate out puzzles but most of the time those are part of the video games category because of the medium I choose to do puzzles in, such as the game Escape Simulator which is designed around the category of Room Escape games. Not to sound I actually started playing them probably sixteen years or so ago when they were still Flash-based and were a big thing coming up in Japan.

There is kind of a middle ground between the two, creative and non-creative, is Magic: The Gathering. The reason being is that on the non-creative side I get to consume media. Lots of reading of the cards and the backstories. On the creative side I get to flex my brain a bit and try to figure out how to play with new cards and new mechanics of the game. Creating a cohesive deck with lots of synergy between the cards to try to find win conditions is a lot of fun and often takes up a lot of time when I get the itch to build a new Commander Deck.

That’s all I’ve got for major hobbies that I do for fun. I have some other things I probably could add to the list but I don’t do them as frequently so they’re not as important. Still, it helps to make sure I’m never without something to do with my free time.

Bloganuary 22nd: Breaking through the pet language barrier

Bloganuary writing prompt
If you could make your pet understand one thing, what would it be?

This would be an amazing prompt if I had any pets of my own. I do, however, live with roommates that have pets and I visit family regularly who have several pets. Between the two groups there are five cats and five dogs.

One of my brother’s cats, named Paul, has picked me out as one of his favorite humans. I don’t typically have a problem with him, except when he finds it necessary to jump from the floor onto my shoulders.

He’s not the real focus of this post, but I wanted to share anyway.

No, the real focus would be on the dogs. My roommates two dogs are generally very chill, they sleep most of the day, play some, run around the yard, doing dog things. Including bark like maniacs when they see someone walking up to the door, even us, or if they here a vehicle door slam closed from one of the neighbors. In most cases, it’s alright because it makes for a good alarm system of sorts. They protect the house! If there is just ONE thing I could communicate to them it would definitely be something along the lines of “all clear” so they will stop barking their heads off after I’ve come to confirm that nothing is wrong.

Fairly simple thing, to me anyways.